Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Funnies:

We always go over Alanna's memory verse Scriptures before bed.  The latest one is Psalm 89:11.  We also give her Scriptures if she is in trouble. Like "Always be humble and gentle, and be patient with each other."

The other day I was at a stop light and didn't go when the light turned green.  Alanna yelled from the back seat, "GO MOM, GO!!!"  I told her I couldn't and she said "Yes you can, it's green and green means GO!"  I was in the turn lane and was yielding to traffic, but her little two and half year old self didn't understand that.  She promptly said, "Mom, say it with me.  Always need to be careful! Says me. 89:11"  HA!  She was telling me a Scripture!  It made me laugh for a really long time and I had tears streaming down my face.  That little toot thought she was correcting me.

On a side note, she also asked me if she could drive the car the other day!!!  She said "Dogs can't drive because they don't know that red means stop and green means go, but I DO, so I can drive!!"  Ummm...try another 13 years sister!  If you're lucky!

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