Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Waste Of Money, Happy Kid: know those dumb ride on machines outside of Wal-Mart?  Alanna always begs to ride them on the way in/out.  I always tell her they are a waste of money or that we don't have time.  In steps Nana and Papa.  They sent her a card with two dollars in it this week and told her she could spend it on anything she wanted.  Let me just say, she has thought of SEVERAL things she wants!  HAHA! (One being a rooster.  A live cock-a-doodle-doo one.  Silly girl.)

Fast forward a few days and we found ourselves in Wal-Mart again and Alanna begged to ride the little horse.  I said no, but then she reminded me that she had two dollars of her own to spend.  Okay, so I let her put the quarters in and sat her up on the horse.  Nothing happened.  Boo...we just wasted the money and the machine was broken. =(  Her little face was so sad.  She asked if she could try the claw machine instead.  I think those are even MORE of a waste of money, but her little face was so sad, so I caved.  I put the money in and positioned the claw over the tallest and closest looking animal.  I let her push the button and guess what?  

First time in my life to ever win at a claw machine.  The picture above is her cheap little 'made in china' bear that she is thrilled to death to have. LOL!
 And in case anyone is wondering, I told someone inside the door that the horse didn't work and they said 'yes, it hasn't been working for several weeks now."  ARGH!  Can't anyone hang an out of order sign?!?

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