Monday, November 29, 2010

Talk for Tuesday...

Can you believe it is almost December?!?
Where did 2010 go?

I am baffled.
I have decided to compile a top ten list for 2010.
The top ten things that happened for the Browns.
#1 being that we survived the first year of being parents.  HOORAY!  That's BIG BIG. 
Then I will come up with a top ten goal list for 2011.
If you don't set goals, you don't have anything to work towards.
#1 will be to potty train my child!!  
Oh boy...well girl actually. =)

Oh and since this post is turning out to be totally random...

I already have my Friday Funnies story for this week.  
Stay won't want to miss this one...

Today I am thankful for the show 'Hoarders'.  It inspires me to clean my house each and every episode.

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