Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Funnies:

It was right after dinner and almost bath time, when all of a sudden, Alanna exclaims she needs to potty.  I strip her all the way down to her birthday suit and sit her on the potty to do her business.  She messes around, flushes, sings and shreds toilet paper, but doesn't do any business if you know what I mean. 

She gets off the potty and runs towards the back door where her daddy and mamaw are sitting on the patio.  I opened the door to chat with them when Alanna slips out there and runs around stark naked.  She thinks this is great fun, so I let her stay for a couple of minutes. (for the record, we have a privacy fence)

She tells her daddy she needs to potty and he joking tells her to just do it outside.  One second later, I tell him we are going in to get her bath started and when I turn back around I see her squatted and pooping on the patio.  This literally happened in a matter of seconds.  I wash shocked and cracking up at the same time.  I had no idea that she would actually go outside.

The three of us CRACK UP hysterically while little Alanna looks up at us with an innocent stare as to say "well, daddy told me to do it!"  I went and grabbed a camera to document the funny moment, but I will spare you all the, ahem,...gross details. 

 So even if you are having a rough day today, just remember that it's Friday AND it could be worse.  At least you didn't have to shovel poop from your child off your patio.

Happy Friday!!

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