Thursday, April 18, 2013


My sweet little lady.

She is getting so big so quickly.  We are closer to four now than we are to three.  She uses SUCH big words and completely understands everything we say.  Sometimes when we spell things, she figures it out too!!  I bought a book to teach her how to read but I'm not sure when to start it.  I don't want her to be completely bored in kindergarten, but she wants to read so badly.  I'm weighing my options...

The other day at the grocery store, she held my list and helped me find each thing that we needed. As I put each thing in the cart, she would say "check!" When we were done, she said "Mom, you forgot something!"  I asked what it was and she said "granilla honor."  I asked her what that was and she said "Mom, I have no idea, you wrote it!  I'm just reading!"  HAHA!  That stinker.

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