Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Spiritual Birthday:

I want to remember this day forever...

Last night, as I was putting Alanna to bed, she told me that she was ready to get rid of the sin in her heart.  
Here's how the conversation went.
Me: (in my head) - Oh, she's only 4, how much can she understand about it? (out loud) Honey, do you want to think about it a little bit longer?  A: No mom, I've been thinking about it a lot and I'm ready tonight.

Me: Okay then, why do you need to ask for forgiveness?  A: Because I have sin and sin is really bad.
Me: Who can forgive your sins and how?  A: Jesus, because He died on the cross for me. (she totally, in her 4 year old understanding, knew what she wanted)
And then she prayed one of the sweetest, most sincere prayers I've every heard come from a child. I know that God was smiling and I know that all of heaven was rejoicing!  As soon as she was done praying, she said she had a few questions for me.
A: So, what about the devil?  Me: Jesus now has you in His hand and the Bible tells us that no one can take you out of His hand.
A: So let me get this straight...there is a Jesus team and a devil team and I am on Jesus' team now?  Me: Yes ma'am!  And guess what?  Jesus' team ALWAYS win!  Every time!
A: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!  I can't wait to get to heaven and give Jesus a hug and tell him thank you!! 
(cue the tears...)  Such a sweet girl that has such a sweet heart and now she belongs to Jesus.  <3

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