Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Friday Funnies:
A lot of the information I have been reading about potty training says to let your little one run around naked.

Hmmm...I am a stay at home mom, so that sounded easy enough.  No problem.


(Sometimes I forget that Alanna is still really young for this whole potty training business)

She pee pee'd in the potty and we did the happy dance, washed up, ate our cookie, and shut the bathroom door.  Done!

NOT DONE!!!!!!!
I went in the kitchen to tell Cie-J of her accomplishment when I see her coming towards me with a hand full of poo poo!


And not only did she poop on the carpet, but she was bringing it to me to show me!

Now, in her defense, the door to the bathroom was shut and she did go right outside the doorway; so I think she had the right idea and just couldn't get in there to do it.

Lesson learned: I will continue to use the cloth diapers instead of letting Alanna run around naked.

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