Friday Funnies:
#1 - At the mall, a lady told Alanna she was pretty. Alanna responded with, "I know!" I guess technically she hears it everyday, but I still felt bad. I told her to say 'thank you' and she said "Yes, I pretty, thank you!"
#2 - Yesterday a woman told her she had pretty hair. Alanna said "thanks, it's red just like my daddy!" She also hears this asked a lot (because people see her with me and realize she looks nothing like me). Now she just responds like this. It's so funny.
#3 - At the same mall trip from earlier, a lady asked her how old she was. Alanna responded with "I two and half and will be three on my birthday and I am a big girl cause I wear Minnie-wear!" HAHA! Her answers are ALWAYS long ones!
#4 - This is not funny, but it is sweet.......
I was reading Alanna's Bible with her before bed last night and told her about Jesus dying on the cross. A few minutes later when we prayed, she said "Dear Jesus, I'm sorry those mean soldiers spanked you and you died on the cross." It was sweet to me that she was so concerned about it. Then we read that he was alive again on the third day and she literally cheered out loud! I love this girl.
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