Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Funnies:

I call it her 'honest gene', because Alanna, like most other 2.5 year olds, just sees something and calls it like it is.

#1 - We saw a biker type dude at the bank and Alanna pointed at his very long ponytail.  She then said "Mommy, that's a girl???"  She was confused because he looked very much like a boy but she just couldn't get the idea out of her head that he had a ponytail.  She kept saying "But boys don't have ponytails, only girls do!!"  Of course she was using her one volume toddler voice that echos off the walls, so everyone was listening and laughing.  When I explained that sometimes, boys can have ponytails too, she loudly asked "Can boys have boobies too?!?"  We made a quick exit.

#2 - You know that moment when you've quietly and discreetly let a small toot out that made no noise at all in a crowded place?!?  (oh, don't act like you don't toot, we all do!)  Well, in the next three seconds, you realize that it was a silent but violent!  AHH!  Alanna yells "Mom!!!  I smell your dirty diaper, that's yucky!!"'s no longer a secret.

We are currently working on mastering the INSIDE voice!!!  Have a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. BAH HA HA! I am laughing so hard I'm crying!!
